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地址:上海市浦东新区海科路100号 邮编:201210
1997年9月-2002年7月 北京大学医学部医学学士学位
2002年9月-2007年12月 美国宾夕法尼亚大学神经科学博士学位
2008年1月-2008年5月 美国宾夕法尼亚大学博士后
2008年6月-2013年8月 美国霍华德休斯医学研究院助理研究员
2013年9月-至今 中国科学院生物与化学交叉研究中心研究员、课题组长
神经损伤和神经退行性疾病中的神经轴突退化变性坏死 (axon degeneration)。
1. Cao, X., and FANG, Y*. (2015) “Transducing oxidative stress to death signals in neurons”. Journal of Cell Biology, 211(4):741-743. (*corresponding author)
2. FANG, Y.,Soares, L., and Bonini, N.M. (2013) “Design and Implementation of In Vivo Imaging of Neural Injury Responses in the Adult Drosophila Wing.” Nature Protocols, 8(4): 810-819.
3. Garbe, D.S., FANG, Y., Zheng, X., Sowcik, M., Anjum, R., Gygi, S.P., and Sehgal, A. (2013) “Cooperative interaction between phosphorylation sites on PERIOD maintains circadian period in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics, 9(9): e1003749.
4. FANG, Y., and Boinini, N.M. (2012) “Axon Degeneration and Regeneration: Insights from Drosophila Models of Nerve Injury.” Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, 28: 575-597.
5. FANG, Y.,Soares, L., Teng, X., Geary, M., and Bonini, N.M. (2012) “A Novel Drosophila Model of Nerve Injury Reveals an Essential Role of Nmnat in Maintaining Axonal Integrity.” Current Biology, 22(7): 590-595. (Highlighted by Current Biology; Recommended by Faculty of 1000; Featured in ScienceDaily, Cell News, Science World Report, etc.)
6. FANG, Y., and Sehgal, A. (2010) “Phosphatases and Circadian Clocks.” in Handbook of Cell Signaling, 2nd Edition, eds. Bradshaw, R. A. & Dennis, E. A. Oxford:Academic Press, pp. 877-882.
7. Wu, Y., Bolduc, F.V., Bell, K., Tully, T., FANG, Y.,Sehgal, A., and Fischer, J.A. (2008) “A Drosophila Model for Angelman Syndrome.” PNAS, 105(34): 12399-12404.
8. FANG, Y.,Sathyanarayanan, S., and Sehgal, A. (2007) “Post-translational Regulation of the Drosophila Circadian Clock Requires Protein Phosphatase 1 (PP1).” Genes and Development, 21(12): 1506-1518.
9. Sehgal, A., Joiner, W., Crocker, A., Koh, K, Sathyanarayanan, S., FANG, Y., Wu, M., Williams, J., and Zheng, X. (2007) “Molecular Analysis of Sleep:Wake Cycles in Drosophila.” Cold Spring HarbSymp Quant Biol, 72: 557-564.
10. Stein, J.M., Bergman, W., FANG, Y., Davison, L., Brensinger, C., Robinson, M.B., Hecht, N.B., and Abel, T. (2006) “Behavioral and Neurochemical Alterations in Mice Lacking the RNA-binding Protein Translin.” Journal of Neuroscience, 26(8): 2184-2196.