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2011.8-2016.1 普渡大学化学系,博士

2017.2-2021.1 哈佛大学医学院遗传学系/麻省总医院分子生物学系 博士后

2021.1-2022.11 南通大学,副教授

2022.11-  中国科学院上海有机化学研究所生物与化学交叉研究中心 副研究员


1.     构建体外重建磷脂双分子层模型,研究生物信号传导界面上生物大分子组装的理化调节过程。

2.     单分子荧光方法分析膜蛋白及膜蛋白寡聚体的形成和激活调控。

3.     构建无细胞人工体系,结合单分子荧光及冷冻断层电镜解析线粒体动力学、线粒体结构与功能的联系以及分子机理。

4.     构建体外重建体系研究物理化学因素对神经系统中细胞间信号、神经系统的功能实现的分子互作机制。


Ge, Y.*; Boopathy, S.; Nguyen, TH.; Lugo, CM.; Chao, L.H*; Absence of cardiolipin from the outerleaflet of a mitochondrial inner membrane mimic restricts Opa1 mediated fusion. Front. Mol. Biosci.2021; 8:769135


Ge, Y.; Shi, X; Boopathy, S.; McDonald, J.; Smith, A.W.; Chao, L. H.*; Two forms of Opa1 cooperate to complete fusion of the mitochondria inner membrane. eLife., 2020; 9:e50973


Ge, Y.; Boopathy, S.; Smith, Adam; Chao, L. H.*; A model membrane platform for reconstituting mitochondrial membrane dynamics, JoVe, 2020 Sep 2;(163)


Miao, L; Lin, J; Huang, Y; Li, L; Delcassian, D; Ge, Y; Shi, Y; Anderson, DG*; Synergistic lipidcompositions for albumin receptor-mediated delivery of mRNA to the liver, Nat. Comm. 2020, 11 (1),1-13


Ge, Y.; Gao, J; Hussain, N.F.; Jordan, R.; Naumann, C. A.*; Changes in Cholesterol level alter integrin sequestration in raft-mimicking lipid mixtures. Biophys J 2018, 114(9),158-167.


Ge, Y.; Lin, Y.H.; Lautscham, L. A.; Goldmann, W.H.; Fabry,B.; Naumann, C. A.*; N-cadherin-functionalized polymer-tethered multi-bilayer: A cell surface-mimicking substrate toprobe cellularmechanosensitivity. Soft Matter 2016,12,8274-8284 (Featured as cover)


Ge, Y.;Siegel,A. P.;Jordan,R.;Naumann,C.A.*;Ligand binding alters dimerization and sequestering of urokinase receptors in raft-mimicking lipid mixtures. BiophysJ. 2014, 107(9), 2101-11.


•Hussain,NF.;Siegel,AP.;Ge, Y.;JordanR.Naumann,CA.*;Bilayer asymmetry influences integrin sequestering in raft-mimicking lipid mixtures. Biophys. J. 2013, 104 (10),2212-2221.


Ge,Y.; Zhu,J.;Zhao,W.;Qin,Y.*;Ion-selective optodes based on near-infrared fluorescent chromoionophores for pH and metal ion measurement. Sens. and Ac.s, B, 2012, 166,480-484


•Liu, D.; Ge, Y.; Tang,Y.; Yuan,Y.,Zhang, Q; Li, R.*; Xu, Q.*;Solid lipid nanoparticles for transdermal delivery of diclofenac sodium: preparation, characterization and in vitro studies; J. Microencap. 2010, 27(8), 726-734


•Xie, X.;Li,X;Ge. Y.;Qin,Y.*,Chen,HY. *;Rhodamine-based ratiometric fluorescent ion-selective bulk optodes. Sens. and Act. B: Chemical. 2010, 151 (1),71-76

中国科学院生物与化学交叉研究中心 版权所有 电话:021-68582285/68582282
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